Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Trying out idea's

I have decided to try out Beth's head with her eye everywhere in my final polaroid. I had the idea because I thought that you see a lot of strange things like this in horror films, which I completed for an example. However, because this is just a mock up, it isn't overly good
The fact that her mouth-eye doesn't especially work with her face because I had merged the layers long before realising I needed to rub out sections, strands out a lot more and doesn't really look very good. That is one thing I would make sure that I did if I was to use this technique in the future! Don't merge the layers before completed, that's just dumb.
I do like how odd it looks and I would probably enjoy to do this properly eventually, but I think for the hoax project, I'm going to stick to just the polaroid idea with the ghosts.

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