Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Oil pastels and normal pastels

This is my Vorticism take on breasts in life drawing. It is drawn with pastels. I took my own style with these and now have a new favourite style when working with them! I dot/swipe sharply to show shape. I've really enjoyed doing it! 
Here is a close up of my technique.

(THIS IS UPSIDE DOWN)- another one of my 5 minute sketches with pastels. It is slightly out of proportion but I was planning on working it in towards the end result if we got time to finish it! 

Oops all my photos seem to be upside down ugh! But this one is a lot more in proportion which I really find satisfying.

UPSIDE SOWN STILL! But I didn't like working with the normal pastels. I couldn't show shape as well, but they didn't turn out overly terrible. They were still in proportion.

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