Tuesday, 10 February 2015

My take on Gino Severini's Futurism Work

You aren't really able to see the minor detail since it's dark and I my light-bulb's blow...Ooops! But look back to my sketch book for a better look.
I am very aware that Severini does not use pencil crayons, but I took their style on to create my own but more simpler design from the objects I found and photographed in college. The black circle and the square represent the washing machine, the blue circles being the wheels of the barrow thing. The black square also represents the end of the hall and the red/blue line represent how the hall looks and goes down at a slant to a narrower viewpoint. The rest is also taken from the images. I do enjoy working in this style, but I prefer painting and using water colour like I previously did with the vorticisism doodle I did in my sketch book. 

Here is the original 

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